The UK's National Stroke Nursing Forum (NSNF) extends a very warm welcome to all those who have a passion for stroke nursing. The NSNF was constituted to provide a forum for nurses within the United Kingdom to share knowledge and expertise to advance the nursing contribution to the care of stroke patients and their families. The NSNF is an active contributor to a wide range of initiatives that seek to ensure that patients and families have access to a high-quality and evidence-based stroke service that meets their needs and expectations, including the UK's National Clinical Guidelines, the Department of Health Stroke Service Improvement Programme, the UK Forum for Stroke Training, and the development and implementation of a National Stroke Strategy for England (to name but a few). We actively collaborate with stroke nursing networks across the United Kingdom, and are keen to build links with our international colleagues in stroke nursing.
The blog will be launched at the UK Stroke Forum in Harrogate in December 2012.
Please make sure you drop by our stand at the UK Stroke Forum!
In the meantime, please feel free to leave some comments about what you think we should include on the blog