Tuesday, 29 October 2013

"Myth or Reality"? The Community Stroke Rehabilitation Nurse.

The development of community rehabilitation including Early Supported Discharge (ESD) services for stroke survivors has provided both a challenge over the last six years, but also an opportunity to deliver truly patient centered rehabilitation programmes.

Evidence of how these services should be organised has always been limited. Teams rarely incorporated a nurse, but I believe I now see the role of the community stroke rehabilitation nurse evolving within many teams.  I think services are slowly seeing that joint working with nurses can positively strengthen a community team, but also help with the common problems reported by patients on their return home. Do people believe the nurse role is now emerging within these sorts of teams or is it still not a reality?

Sarah Hudson a Stroke Nurse Practitioner working within a community stroke service in Worcestershire has worked for her service for three years now with her nursing colleagues. She would like to ask for comments and feedback on what nursing assessments people commonly use within their community stroke teams? 

Please leave your comments or email ukstrokenursing@gmail.com.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Visual Problems Post Stroke

A Best Practice Statement on vision problems after stroke can now be assessed by clicking on the link below:


A quick reference guide is also available on the website.

Useful Links Shared at September's Council Meeting

1. Scottish Stroke Care Audit:

2. Stroke Competency Toolkit (SCotT) - registered nurses:

A Warm Welcome to Wales, Scotland and the Royal College of Nursing

NSNF Council Meeting - September 2013

September's meeting brought a positive atmosphere with a truly national perspective.
We had representation from the Welsh Stroke Nurse's Alliance, Scottish Stroke Nurse's Forum and the Royal College of Nursing.

With a large representation it was a great opportunity discuss stroke care and nursing development within England, Scotland and Wales.

In the coming months the NSNF will be working with the RCN to put together some recommendations on the role of the Advanced Stroke Nurse Practitioner. This is very exciting opportunity and we would love your feedback. Please visit our stand at this years UK Stroke Forum Conference, where we will be launching our Advanced Nurse Practitioner survey. Your feedback and involvement is essential in order to make robust future recommendations.

September's Minutes: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4ikpZ0-x04_Z3dLa0JYQ2pvUXc/edit?usp=sharing